Dec 19, 2015 22:59:32 GMT
Post by Terranova on Dec 19, 2015 22:59:32 GMT
Also, Kylo Ren is one of my new fav characters. Because that needed to be reiterated. I love him too... But DAMN is he just like Anakin. Bitchy, much?
Dec 20, 2015 17:18:56 GMT
Post by corvette1710 on Dec 20, 2015 17:18:56 GMT
Force Awakens spoilers incoming. Don't open if you don't want 'em. I fucking loved this movie. It was everything the prequels should've been. It was lighthearted when it needed to be and serious everywhere else. Kylo Ren was a fantastic villain, and stopping the blaster bolt in the beginning was cool as hell.
One thing I was confused about at the end: Was Kylo Ren Skywalker'd by Rey during their duel? I saw his lightsaber went out, then he was just on his back looking at her as the planet split. (Side note: Naming the weapon Starkiller was a nice reference)
Also, I really feel that no matter how powerful Rey is with the Force, Ren, with his far superior training, should've been able to thrash her like he did Finn. However, I will attribute his loss to his injury previous (going to one knee when regular Stormtroopers were thrown several feet by the bowcaster).
I also rather disagree with Ruinus. I wasn't waiting for any particular scene to end (or the movie itself), and I thought the pacing was excellent. I never had a dull moment.
I do wish we'd been given a bit more backstory on Kylo Ren so that his indecision didn't seem so out of the blue. One second, he's a cold-blooded killer with red-hot anger issues, and the next he's being "corrupted" by the Light Side. I get that Han and Leia sent him to train with Luke, but somehow he fucked it up (maybe he killed the other Padawans?) and aligned himself with Snoke and the First Order, but outside of that not much is explained. More for Episode VIII, I presume.
Killing Han Solo was an excellent twist. I thought, in the moments leading to when Chewy and Han were setting the charges, that Kylo would kill Chewy (perhaps in a particularly cruel manner?) and Han would see just how much his son has changed, showing him that there was no redemption to be had.
I also wasn't very sure about Rey's backstory. From what I understand, she was left on Jakku by... someone. I'm going to guess that Leia conceived twins just as Padmé did and that Rey and Ren are brother and sister, much like Luke and Leia. It would draw interesting parallels, methinks. It isn't that inconceivable, either. If I recall correctly, families that bear twins are more likely to bear twins/triplets/quadruplets/etc than families that never have. However, I still don't know who dropped her off or who her adopted family was, or why they're not coming back (they're probably dead).
I'm not a massive fan of PTSD stories (though from what Finn said, that was his first battle/ground conflict) but Finn was a pretty good character. I don't know, though. Some of his lines were undoubtedly influenced by modern speech patterns (when Han was nodding past him to look at Rey climbing the wall and Finn didn't understand, initially berating him for not paying attention while Finn was hatching a plan). I felt that in the beginning, Rey and Finn's relationship was a little forced (though I guess the excitement from piloting and dual teaming the TIE fighters on Jakku in the Millennium Falcon was pretty cool), but as it progressed (not that much is shown) I got pretty comfortable with the idea.
Post by Ruinus on Dec 20, 2015 20:23:42 GMT
No, it wasn't that I thought the pacing was dull or that a scene went on to long, it was that I felt one scene in particular had a terrible choice of camera angles. When Rey is holding out Luke's lightsaber to him. We see her take out the saber and hold it out to Luke, cut to reaction shot from Luke. Amazing shot of Luke's face as he recognizes his old lightsaber, as he remembers the betrayal and tragedy of one of his pupils, the son of his sister and best friend, turn on him and become a murderer. Cuts back to Rey, shaking and holding out the ligthsaber in an extreme closeup, all that is in frame is her hand, the lightsaber and her face. She is very clearly saying "Look, I know you've been hurt, betrayed, but we need you to be a Jedi again." Amazing shot.
Right there there should have been an abrupt cut to credits.
Instead we get another closeup on Luke, which was unnecessary by this point. But fine.
Right there, abrupt cut to credits.
Nope, then the very next scene is a fucking ugly helicopter panoramic shot of Luke and Rey standing atop that island - then the credits rolled.
To me, the last panoramic spin shot completely takes away from the emotional intimacy of the previous close ups on Rey and Luke. There is one scene, however, that I thought was awful and should have been changed to make it flow better with the rest of the story. R2-D2's reveal was fucking terrible. Out of nowhere BB-8 just suddenly shows up and pulls a random tarp to reveal R2. There should have been some lead up, like perhaps BB-8 suggesting that R2 might have the map and C3 looking over at a corner and delivering his line about R2 being in low power mode. Otherwise it makes no sense - either BB-8 has been to the Resistance base before and as such, would know that R2 is shut down, or BB-8 has not been to the Resistance base and wouldn't know where R2 is.
Dec 20, 2015 20:27:55 GMT
Post by silversurfer092 on Dec 20, 2015 20:27:55 GMT
Move the Star Wars talk to the other thread. Let the non-cool people keep mingling here.
Dec 21, 2015 5:04:05 GMT
Post by SSJRuss on Dec 21, 2015 5:04:05 GMT
Maybe it's a good time to mention my favorites in the Star Wars Movie series...
1. Episode III 2. Episode VII 3. Episode V 4. Episode I 5. Episode IV 6. Episode II 7. Episode VI
Placing Force Awakens was really hard cause I think I liked it about as much as I like Empire Strikes Back. But in the end I think the characters in the new movie just tip the scales in their favor.
Post by Terranova on Dec 21, 2015 5:07:45 GMT
Maybe it's a good time to mention my favorites in the Star Wars Movie series... 1. Episode III 2. Episode VII 3. Episode V 4. Episode I 5. Episode IV 6. Episode II 7. Episode VI Placing Force Awakens was really hard cause I think I liked it about as much as I like Empire Strikes Back. But in the end I think the characters in the new movie just tip the scales in their favor. Off the top of my head, Episodes II, III, and VII are tied at number one for me. I'd have to sit down with all the movies and a pros/cons list to put them all in exact order though... But I ain't got no time for that...
Dec 21, 2015 5:17:59 GMT
Post by corvette1710 on Dec 21, 2015 5:17:59 GMT
1. V 2. IV 3. VII 4. VI 5. III 6. II 7. I
The only ones I'd consider changing are the first and second spots and the fourth and fifth.
Dec 21, 2015 5:33:45 GMT
Post by Ruinus on Dec 21, 2015 5:33:45 GMT
The Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi A New Hope Revenge of the Sith The Force Awakens The Phantom Menace Attack of the Clones
Post by silversurfer092 on Dec 21, 2015 6:07:08 GMT
I'm seriously considering banning anyone who has Episode I and II anywhere other than the bottom and Episode III should be no higher than like 3rd. C'mon guys. Have some dignity. Outside of Star Wars, Ep. I and II are just horrendous movies to begin with. Go watch Ep. II and tell me you like that dialogue. Honestly. Even 11 year old me knew that movie was total shit.
Dec 21, 2015 6:20:02 GMT
Post by corvette1710 on Dec 21, 2015 6:20:02 GMT
Basically the only reason Ep. II is above Ep. I for me is because Ep. I was that fucktarded podracing bullshit.
Dec 21, 2015 6:28:50 GMT
Post by bigballerju on Dec 21, 2015 6:28:50 GMT
I almost fell off my seat laughing when I looked to see how high the prequels were on that list. LOL please tell me of these prequels you watched that were better then any of the originals. Were these alternate prequel films from another universe you watched or something?
Dec 21, 2015 7:29:53 GMT
Post by silversurfer092 on Dec 21, 2015 7:29:53 GMT
Also, SSJRuss can get banned for having VI be his least favorite.
Terranova, I'll make a Pro/Cons list for you.
Episode 2 Pros: Clones were introduced. Ewan McGregor had some dope flow. Mace Windu and Jango Fett were leet. Cons: LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE. EVERYTHING. LITERALLY.
Episode 1 Pros: Obi-Wan Kenobi becomes a character other than Old Ben Kenobi. Natalie Portman is #hot. Darth Maul does flippy stuff. Cons: AGAIN, LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE. I HAVE SEEN BETTER ACTING IN MY HIGH SCHOOL SPANISH CLASS THAN JAKE LLOYD, WHO IS STILL BETTER THAN HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN.
Dec 21, 2015 7:37:35 GMT
Post by SSJRuss on Dec 21, 2015 7:37:35 GMT
My first real introduction into Star Wars was when the Clone Wars cartoon first came out. I had already seen lightsabers before and seen Darth Vader but never really saw the movies until I saw Episode III in theaters. So 12 year-old me thought it was fucking amazing! (with the exception of Grievous cause he was a let down compared to his Clone Wars counterpart)
Anyway, I wasn't a critic of the movie. I loved it and the final battle was amazing to watch. Afterwords I went home and immediately got my hands on the other movies. Watched them in chronological order and after seeing Episode I, I started to understand the series a bit more. Jar Jar wasn't bad, albeit silly but he didn't annoy me as much as 3PO did. Young Anakin felt a little relatable when I was young, but honestly all I cared for were the Jedi and the fight scenes. Hence why I loved Episode III so much and didn't like II as much. Same goes for the Original Trilogy. By the time I saw them, I had already seen way better effects and I didn't care for a story that didn't have any cool Jedi battles besides Luke vs Vader in Episode V.
I think my point is, the Prequels were the movies that got me into Star Wars in the first place and I enjoy that setting of the universe more than almost any other. Now that I'm older, have become a giant Star Wars fanatic, learned so much more about Star Wars, and have been on the internet for the past few years, I can see where people are coming from when they say those movies were bad. The dialogue wasn't right and some characters were dumb and some scenes were dumb. But the story in those movies was still good, in my opinion. And I haven't let the internet change my mind about that.
Post by SSJRuss on Dec 21, 2015 7:41:38 GMT
Also, SSJRuss can get banned for having VI be his least favorite. Terranova, I'll make a Pro/Cons list for you. Episode 2 Pros: Clones were introduced. Ewan McGregor had some dope flow. Mace Windu and Jango Fett were leet. Cons: LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE. EVERYTHING. LITERALLY. Episode 1 Pros: Obi-Wan Kenobi becomes a character other than Old Ben Kenobi. Natalie Portman is #hot. Darth Maul does flippy stuff. Cons: AGAIN, LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE. I HAVE SEEN BETTER ACTING IN MY HIGH SCHOOL SPANISH CLASS THAN JAKE LLOYD, WHO IS STILL BETTER THAN HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN. Have you seen VI recently? Tell me how much you love the Ewoks... And I will say that Obi-Wan is the best thing about the Prequels but don't be so harsh. #StillABetterLoveStoryThanCreepySiblings
Post by Terranova on Dec 21, 2015 7:42:21 GMT
Terranova, I'll make a Pro/Cons list for you. You have opinions. Surprise, surprise. But, believe it or not, not everyone shares your raving elitism. I think my point is, the Prequels were the movies that got me into Star Wars in the first place and I enjoy that setting of the universe more than almost any other. Now that I'm older, have become a giant Star Wars fanatic, learned so much more about Star Wars, and have been on the internet for the past few years, I can see where people are coming from when they say those movies were bad. The dialogue wasn't right and some characters were dumb and some scenes were dumb. But the story in those movies was still good, in my opinion. And I haven't let the internet change my mind about that. I love you. Exactly this. Can't agree more.