Post by leroypowell3 on Jul 27, 2016 22:26:37 GMT
Adam Park (Black Ranger/ Green Zeo Ranger) & Aqualad (from Young Justice cartoon)
Battalion (Wildstorm) & Groot (Marvel)
Location: war-torn city (evacuated)
Post by kainboa on Jul 28, 2016 10:29:10 GMT
Yeah, Adam park and Aqualad are fucked here.
Groot on his own would give them a pretty decent fight, and once you add Battalion they're up shit creek without a paddle.
Neither of them has, afaik, shown any resistance to telepathy, nor the durability to withstand the amount of damage both Groot and Battalion can throw at them.
Post by leroypowell3 on Jul 28, 2016 13:04:38 GMT
That's not something you here said about a Power Ranger "no durability". But yeah, I think team 2 takes this one.
Post by bigballerju on Jul 29, 2016 1:13:53 GMT
Kain pretty much summoned this one up. I agree with Team 2 winning.
Post by leroypowell3 on Jul 29, 2016 19:43:20 GMT
I will put an argument up though. Adam had his ninja and Zeo powers. Some say that Zeo is a little above other Rangers (it was one of the few Zordon era powers that weren't destroyed). and the ninja coin powers gave them access to the metallic armor with was ridiculous durability. Adam might be more dangerous than we think.
Post by bigballerju on Jul 29, 2016 22:58:02 GMT
Ah good point Leroy I missed that. Adam with Zeo plus the armor is a hell of a power upgrade. I will think about this.
Post by kainboa on Jul 30, 2016 15:02:13 GMT
If Groots strength isn't enough to take out the Power ranger in his regular size, he can easily and very quickly grow to a larger size, giving him more strength. Up to and including strength enough to stagger Thanos.
Unless the Ranger has some durability showings that would allow him to completely ignore attacks of that caliber, there's fuckall he can do.
Post by bigballerju on Jul 30, 2016 17:17:43 GMT
Is Groot capable of landing a hit on Adam with his Zeo and Ninja speed combined? Also Groot is capable of being killed. There fighting in a war torn city where Adam and Aqualad have plenty of places to hide and strike from. Unless they are already near each which then yea they lose hands down. Adam's zeo/ninja powers would have energy attacks from his weapons that he could use from a distance that would do damage with repeated multiple. Also when did Groot get the strength to hurt Thanos? I know Marvel likes to play around with power levels these days. Thanos was recently taken down by a Avengers team led by Captain Marvel in Civil War 2.